Technical Assistance

APPRISE provides technical assistance to program managers and policymakers to help them make informed policy decisions when designing and refining public programs. Our extensive experience with energy programs is invaluable to program managers, and our data analysis skills and knowledge of available databases provide critical information for program management and analysis. Our objective position allows us to assist in the development of information for program standards and benefit determination.

Technical Assistance Outputs

  • Policy options comparisons: descriptions of various policy options, how they have been applied in other jurisdictions, and advantages and disadvantages of each option.
  • Spreadsheet tools: spreadsheets to assist program managers in analyzing the predicted energy savings and estimated cost-effectiveness of various energy services packages.
  • Evaluation requirements: descriptions of potential analysis techniques and data needed to accurately estimate program impacts.
  • Energy costs standards: statistics on average energy costs by fuel type and household size.
  • Program recommendations: recommendations for improvements in program performance.

APPRISE Technical Assistance

Below we provide a few examples of some of our recent projects that included technical assistance.   Click the tabs below to learn more about these projects, or see here for a full list of projects that included technical assistance.