Performance Measurement Research

Performance measurement involves the development of metrics to assess program success and the use of program data to measure those metrics. Some examples of metrics used include the number of households served by a program, the program penetration rate, a targeting index for vulnerable households, and the percentage reduction in energy usage or energy burden.

Performance Measurement Outputs

  • A Logic Model that describes the program assumptions, inputs, immediate outcomes, intermediate outcomes, and final program impacts.
  • A set of performance measures that allows program managers and policymakers to assess the success of a program in meeting defined goals.
  • A Data and Indicator Model that maps the specific outcomes to performance indicators and the data that are needed to measure those performance indicators.
  • Periodic calculations of performance measures to determine how a program performs over time and with changes in program design and implementation.

APPRISE Performance Measurement Research

Below we provide a few examples of some of our recent projects that included performance measurement.   Click the tabs below to learn more about these projects, or see here for a full list of projects that included performance measurement.