Needs Assessment Research

APPRISE conducts needs assessment research to define the size of the eligible program population for bill payment assistance programs, usage reduction programs, and market transformation programs. Needs assessment research can assist policy makers and program managers to allocate resources and more effectively reach and serve the eligible population. Eligible populations may be defined by income, energy burden, household characteristics, and geographic area. Publicly available data sets including the American Community Survey, the American Housing Survey, the Current Population Survey, the Decennial Census, the Residential Energy Consumption Survey, and the Residential Finance Survey are used.

Needs Assessment Activities

  • Eligible population: Estimate the number of eligible households through publicly available data sets.
  • Energy assistance needs: Estimate the energy assistance needs of eligible households and the funding required to serve all eligible households using publicly available data sets.

Needs Assessment Outputs

  • Program eligibility estimates
  • Program participation rates
  • Program funding needs estimates

APPRISE Needs Assessment Research

Below we provide a few examples of some of our recent projects that included needs assessment.   Click the tabs below to learn more about these projects, or see here for a full list of projects that included needs assessment.