Non-Energy Impact Analysis

APPRISE utilizes an array of research and analysis methods to analyze and monetize these impacts.

Non-Energy Impact Analysis Activities

Surveys: Interviews with program participants before and after service delivery to assess how the program has impacted the home in ways other than energy usage.

Measurement: On-site measurement of indoor environmental quality parameters including carbon monoxide, radon, formaldehyde, temperature and humidity, and moisture.

Modeling: Use of energy savings results to estimate the reduction in greenhouse gases, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, fine particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds.

Economic Impacts Analysis: Analysis of a program’s impact on the economic activity in the state, region, or other geographic area.

Billing Analysis: Analysis of usage or transactions data to estimate the reduction in energy costs as a result of program services.

APPRISE Non-Energy Impact Analysis Projects

Below we provide examples of our projects that included non-energy impact analysis.  Click the tabs below to learn more about these projects. For a full list of projects in this topic area click here.