Market Transformation Programs

Market Transformation programs promote the manufacture, purchase, and use of energy-efficient technologies through customer, manufacturer, and installer education, incentives, rebates, and tax credits. The goals of these programs are to overcome market barriers to the adoption of energy efficient technologies. APPRISE conducts research and evaluation of market transformation programs, including baseline documentation, implementation evaluation, assessment of the energy usage impacts, and evaluation of free ridership and spillover effects.

Market Transformation Program Evaluation Activities

Process Evaluation includes reviews of program procedures; interviews with program staff, contractors, and trade allies; evaluation of program materials; and evaluation of training protocols.

Impact Evaluation involves estimation of the impact of services and measures on customer usage, utility demand, and the savings-to-investment ratio. The impact evaluation also assesses the impact of the program on market penetration of energy efficient technologies.

Survey Research includes program administrator, contractor, and customer surveys. Baseline customer surveys may document pre-program awareness and use of energy efficient technologies. Follow-up customer surveys may document changes in knowledge and use of energy efficient technologies and satisfaction with program services and benefits.

Data Tracking includes analysis of data system needs, reviews of existing program data management systems, and recommendations for improvements to existing data systems to facilitate program management, reporting, operations, and evaluation.

Needs Assessment includes analysis of utility and public-use data to determine the savings potential from proposed or planned market transformation programs.

Performance Measurement includes development and measurement of indices that correspond to program goals and objectives. For example, the indices may include number of program participants, change in awareness and use of particular energy efficient technologies, or percentage reduction in energy usage.

Economic Analysis is the measurement of the program’s impact on the economic activity in the state, region, or nation. Energy efficiency investments may have a greater impact on economic activity than other potential investments because they are labor intensive, and a large portion of the expenditures are made within the local area. We use economic multipliers and program expenditures to estimate the economic impact of the program in the geographic area of interest.

Non-Energy Impact Analysis includes assessment of the program’s impact on the economy, job opportunities, emissions, community awareness of energy efficiency opportunities, and health and safety.

APPRISE Market Transformation Program Research and Evaluation

Below we provide a few examples of some of our recent market transformation program research and evaluation projects.  Click the tabs below to learn more about these projects, or see here for a full list of projects in this topic area.