Job Opportunities At APPRISE

APPRISE is a nonprofit research institute dedicated to collecting and analyzing data and information to assess and improve public programs. APPRISE’s research focuses on programs that provide energy bill payment assistance, energy education, and energy efficiency services to low-income households; and programs that provide incentives for undertaking energy efficiency projects to residential, commercial, and industrial utility customers. APPRISE conducts a wide variety of research activities to provide program administrators and stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of program design, operations, and impact. This research leads to informed recommendations for program improvement.


APPRISE has positions available for Policy Analysts to conduct research on energy efficiency and energy assistance programs. Job responsibilities include program evaluation design, on-site observation of energy education and energy service delivery, design and management of client surveys, interviews with service providers, analysis of program evaluation data, and written reports.

The ideal Policy Analyst candidate would have the following qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree required – preferably in economics or another social science
  • Excellent writing, analytical, and interpersonal skills
  • Experience with survey research and statistical analysis
  • An interest in social programs and public policy
  • Familiarity with data analysis software and/or database software

To apply for the Policy Analyst position, please email and include:

  • Cover Letter
  • Resume
  • Statement of interest
  • Undergraduate transcript
  • Writing sample
  • Contact information for three references


APPRISE has positions available for Senior Policy Analysts to conduct research on energy efficiency and energy assistance programs. Job responsibilities include research design, on-site observations and inspections, survey design and management, administrative interviews, programming and data analysis, and report writing.

The ideal Senior Policy Analyst candidate would have the following qualifications:

  • An advanced degree in economics or another social science
  • Excellent writing, analytical, and interpersonal skills
  • At least two years of work experience
  • Experience with data manipulation and statistical analysis with Stata or SAS
  • An interest in social programs

To apply for the Senior Policy Analyst position, please email and include:

  • Cover Letter
  • Resume
  • Statement of interest
  • Academic transcripts, both undergraduate and graduate
  • Writing sample
  • Contact information for three references

As a Policy Analyst, you occupy a position that requires you to be at times a data scientist and at others an editor. In this role, you have the opportunity to learn and refine many new skills. In my time at APPRISE, I have done statistical analysis, helped with survey designs, designed web icons, and created and edited training videos.

Though I work for an energy research organization, I have learned about the intersection of public health and energy efficiency, financial institutions, human behavior, and decision making. In addition, I have learned about equity and environmental justice.