Data Tracking Research

Needs Assessment Research: Assessment of the requirements for the data tracking system, including system users and information needs. Three key areas that are addressed are program management and operations, program reporting, and program evaluation.

Documentation of Existing Tracking Systems: Research on the content and quality of the existing data systems.

Assessment of Existing Tracking Systems: Analysis of the consistency, sufficiency, accessibility, accuracy, and efficiency of the existing data systems.

Recommendations for New or Enhanced Tracking System: Recommendations for data to be included in the system, reports to be generated by the system, and accessibility of the system.

Data Tracking Activities

Program Manager Interviews: In-depth interviews with program managers to determine information needs and current data system structure and content.

Operations Staff Interviews: In-depth interviews with operations staff to determine current data sources and data needs.

Database Review: Review of current program databases through the use of manuals, on-site observation, and data systems.

Data Tracking Outputs

  • Documentation of data system
  • Documentation of available information and data
  • Analysis of data tracking needs
  • Recommendations for data tracking modifications

APPRISE Data Tracking Projects

Below we provide a few examples of some of our recent projects that included data tracking.   Click the tabs below to learn more about these projects, or see here for a full list of projects that included data tracking.